My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sleepless in Kuching

I am def insomniac. I don't take care of myself. I love the internet too much to even bother sleeping a proper 8 hours a day. The funny thing is, I don't know what I do, until so much time is spent online. My mum says I am married to the computer. I am anticipating more comments in the coming days. Maybe this time from my dad.
And today I don't really know what I want to blog about. Yet here I am, attempting to create something out of nothing.
Ok, so I admit. A lot of works, especially novels are left hanging in the cold. I have yet to finish Genesis even. My span of concentration is low and I get carried away with new things easily. For example, new ideas. I simply chuck the old one and get back to it another time. I must curb this unhealthy habit for my own sake. I need discipline.

Touchpoints and idiot-guides to survival in the world.

The time still ticks. I'm still here, waiting for the right time to retire to slumber. My eyes are still wide open but my head spins like a hurricane :P Can you imagine the silent turbulence then?
I wonder how many people in Kuching are still sleepless in Kuching after 1.30am. Shall we do a poll then? I'll get on it right after this then, if I know how to, that is.

I just finished updating my facebook a couple of minutes ago. Yep, yours trully is a Facebook freak. Mention MSN and I'm a goner lol.

My brain tells me... it's time for drastic changes. Wake up! Makes me ponder, what if the government too experience drastic changes? Would it be for better or worse, only God knows.

For me, I need to live up to expectations. Grow close. Grow wise. I hope I can.

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