My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to The Origins lol

Actually, I was a little tired to blog on bible studies yesterday even when I had my internet connection restored to perfection,haha. Thus, here I am again to summarize what I read before bed yesterday.

This part involves the lives of Adam and Eve after the Garden of Eden. Eve gave birth to two sons, Abel and Cain. Abel was a shepherd while Cain was a farmer. All was well for the family, until God rejected Cain's sacrifice offerings of some of his harvest and accepted Abel's, the best parts of the first lamb born of one of his sheeps. God only wanted to show Cain that he had sinned and not the fact that He preferred Abel's offerings.

Yet out of jealousy, Cain murdered his own sibling in the field, provoking God's anger.God sentenced him to a barren existence. Nothing could grow out of his own hand. He can no longer plough his field nor any land. Cain pleaded for mercy since he would be a homeless wanderer, fearing he would eventually be killed.

God however told Cain that if anyone kills him, seven lives will be taken in revenge. Having said that, God put a mark on Cain to ward any attempted murder on him. Cain left and lived in a land called 'Wandering' which was in the east of Eden. There he married and had a son called Enoch, whom Cain's city was named after.

Eve, after the death of Abel, gave birth to Seth. Adam and Eve lived a great deal of years and had many descendants. People in those days could lived up to 900 years. Amazing. Upcoming post will be touching on Noah and the great flood.

Drat! I put on weight these few months. I will not disclose the actual figure, lol but it has devastated me. Goodbye glorious food! Time for some strict regime to keep fit. I want to look gorgeous. Wait, wait. I want to stay healthy too!Oh if only I can be persistent enough to go all the way for a new 'me'. I need motivation.Lots and lots of that, haha.
It has also been a week since I last saw Mr Mysterious. What was I thinking lol. Maybe he's just a sight for sore eyes. All right Miss Prim and Proper, behave yourself! ( I am, I am. HONEST) lol.

It is raining still..maybe it is not one of those showers that is here one minute and gone the next, as I had so boldly assumed. Maybe none of them are. After all, life itself is a chain of rainy days. But there are times when not all of us have umbrellas to walk under. Those are the times when we need people who are willing to lend their umbrellas to a wet stranger on a rainy day. I think I'll go for a walk with my umbrella.
Sun-Young Park

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