My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Inspired? lol

It's kind of strange not writing for a long time again.
Like intervals one after the other.
It feels even stranger when you start writing again.

I've finished the pianist story during Gawai, inspired by Twilight, surprisingly.

I never thought I would like the movie. I mean a vampire and a human? It's ridiculous. But workable, much to my astonishment. The chemistry was actually explosive lol. One of the prominent ones that include the list of Jamie and Landon Carter. Not to mention Margaret and John Thornton.
Anyway, I know it's supposed to be like an adolescent movie, as in Twilight and stuff like that but hey so is A Walk To Remember. I loved it, still.

Maybe in this realistic world, I longed for the kind of love that dazzle and consume you. Someone who feels protective over you and makes you his life. Who complements you and treats you like an equal.Hmmm. It's okay to dream I am sure. But alas. I cannot comment further on the individuals that come across my paths.

So when I get tired of reality, I simply create characters that appeal to my senses.
Doesn't matter if the happiness is an illusion. It's a work of art. As simple as that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice.. I like.......