My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Introducing Sofia Coppola

Talking about inspiration, I want to follow the footsteps of Sofia Coppola.

She is a charming woman. A world famous female director, she is also a sophisticated traveller. I may not be contending to be a director but I certainly enjoy travelling whole heartedly.

Her world is everything I ever fantasize about. She has a graceful silence that speaks so much. She upholds self discovery as a stepping stone to the success of women.
What struck me about her was this photograph of her and her beloved father in the latest core values ad campaign by Annie Leibowitz. It captures the love and admiration father and daughter have for one another. Like a spell cast and retold over and over.

If she can be a great person as Sofia, as herself,what more have we to say of ourselves?

Being Sofia.

Being Taffy.

We must not be disheartened to be trully ourselves.


Anonymous said...

"We must not be disheartened to be trully ourselves." ----> well said amigo!!! love sofia's works too..

Taffy A.E. Jong said...

Thanks mate. Yes Sofia is brilliant!