My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Working for Jesus

This is a devotion taken from Daily Wisdom for Working Women by Michelle Medlock Adams and Gena Maselli. They emphasize on working for the heart of The One who matter, not for the heart of men.This applies very much not only for me but for all who agrees.

Perhaps we forgot the very idea that we work not for the person in front of us, but for the One who rules everything. We want to prove ourselves and we sacrifice everything only to be disappointed when it is not enough to please our immediate superiors. At times, we are underappreciated, other times, been turned a deaf ear on.

Don't get me wrong. I have a wonderful boss and a caring Operation Director. They are tolerant of me. There are many times I feel I have not done enough for them as well as for the company but I am striving to. Yet, I must bear in mind that when I work for the Almighty, I work in spirits and determination. I want to grow and in the process help my company to prosper too. It is just that I am doing it in a slow pace.

Everyone loves compliments. Don't you? Well, I know I do. Especially when it comes from someone who does not give that often. It makes my day actually. But sometimes compliments can distract you and make you lose your priorities. Compliments should not be the reason why we do our work well. Look a little deeper. Keep emotions in perspective and you can never go wrong. Remain faithful in all that you do and the vigour will keep you going.

In this secondary world, what we have is not something we can keep forever.

Have bad things really happened to you? You and God may have different definitions for the word bad. Parents and children do. Look up the word in a middle-schooler's dictionary, and you'll read definitions such as 'pimples on nose,' 'Friday nights all alone,' or 'pop quiz in geometry'
Pimples pass. And it won't be long before you'll treasure a quiet evening at home. Inconvenience? Yes. Misfortune? Sure.
But bad? Save that adjective for emergency rooms and cemeteries. What's bad to a child isn't always bad to a dad.
So in the events of 'bad' things that occured in the workplace, remember you are never alone.
You have always someone by your side to pull you through, if only you believe with all your heart.

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