My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hair oh hair!

Forgot to blog about this

Just a short note.

I am never going to step foot at five or four star salons again. Or maybe because I honour value for money and am a bit miserly,lol.(Maybe a lot) I know the rich can afford it but for ordinary people like me I'll pass. Yesterday, they charged double to wash a freaking hair and blowdry. Even with own shampoo. So from the usual RM16, it went... well you do the maths. Most people say it's ordinary charges especially during festive season. I was like speech..less.

Then again, a friend of mine said that is the price for fashion. People are willing to pay for a good hairstylist. He had a point there. It's all in the name, the brand, the environment of the salon. The more well-known a salon is, the higher the price they can charge. No wonder hair stylists especially those with their own salon, earn so much more. The demand is there and people definitely will pay to look extremely good.

So, what's my point here again? I've strayed from my original context again it seems.
Still, I can't pay rm32 for a hairwash and blowdry only. Rm32 is reasonable for hair treatment in a package but I doubt these people care if I do not go there or not as there is always people who are willing to fork out a lot in the name of beauty.


Sophia said...

Get your sis to do it for!!!

Taffy A.E. Jong said...

Haha that depends on her mood.Or else I am off to saberkas eh salon. There cheaper leh. My hair is very unmanageable. It has a life of its own. annoying!