My top priority

My top priority
He who will never leave and never dies.
We don't have to work to impress God.
He knows who we are and accepts us with unconditional love.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


The events of this week is a whirlwind of catastrophe. I find myself unable to blog due to personal reasons.

1. It involves unfictional events and real people.

2. I fear of exposing my true emotions.

It has come to a deeper sense of realization how imperfect one can be; yet still be worthy of God's endless mercy. I believe Him to be the only person who loves me unconditionally. Only He expresses love so freely. Sadly, there are times I turn my back when I do not feel His presence. He is also the reason for this post.

If I can, I wish to compose music to relate better to these thoughts and aspirations hidden within me. If I can, I wish to fly away from this place,never to return again.

Things aren't that simple. Despite all that I potray, I am a broken, bruised soul longing for redemption.

We do not often say what we want to say. We only hope others are compassionate enough to discover what we actually mean.

The tendency to be withdrawn is ever so appealing. Loneliness can sometimes be the only friend we can trust in bleak times. I should learn to be content with it. But before that. sorting out residues of the passing moments, I wish to thank my friends who were there during my predicament. There is nothing I can offer but prayers and blessings.

For now, I bade you farewell until I am fully recovered, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Please forgive me, for I am not strong enough for the world....

To be loved and love is one I cannot have yet, for that I mourn

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